First off, I just got a treasury yesterday for the first time since, well, the last one I posted on here. Check out these great finds! The treasury expires Wednesday at 2:31 pm.

A lot of life has happened since my last blog post... At the time I posted, I was in Florida with my family helping to take care of my grandfather in his last week of life. That was, of course, a full time with family, followed by Christmas break for time with more family. I was at a conference between Christmas and New Years, and then spent most of the month of January in Guatemala. I was there for a service learning trip with a group from my school, working with local groups on water and sanitation projects. Also, two days before we left, we got to climb a volcano and roast marshmallows over a river of lava. As a holder of a BS in Geology, this was awesome.

In the meantime, I've finally completed a few beadweaving projects and hope to photograph them while I'm on spring break this week!